terça-feira, novembro 15, 2011


""Well of course their [Google/Android] efforts are just some words on paper right now, it's hard to do a very clear comparison" (...) [o gajo] went on to note the successes that his company has had with its §#!/ platform, which commands a sizeable share of the smartphone market, especially in North America. He said §#!/ is on 150 different handsets and is available from over 100 different mobile operators. He added that µß will likely license 20 million §#!/ handsets this year. (...) "So we have great momentum, we've brought our §#!/ software to market, we're driving forward on our future releases and we'll have to see what Google does," (...). "Right now they have a press release, we have many, many millions of customers, great software, many hardware devices and they're welcome in our world.""

2007, em PCW

Aproveito para recordar aqui mais uma daquelas infalíveis previsões:

"only Symbian and Linux, and §#!/ are positioned to meet this need" (pronunciando-se acerca da 'natureza única' do outro concorrente que dominava o mercado - 2008)

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