quarta-feira, junho 13, 2007


A Wikipedia poderá ser um grande projecto quando abolir palhaçadas destas:

Parte da definição de - "Command line interface"


For the Beginners Command Prompt is basicly the opperating system that runs in the background of all computers that use microsoft windows (any computer that can read this is using windows). To get to CMD (Command Prompt) you can go to start>All Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt. Then a black box with some text will pop up and you will be in CMD. To learn futher Commands Type (HELP). You can navigate directories by using (CD) then the diectory you would like to reach. A directory is basicly a folder. To see what files and folders are in a directory you can type dir. To get more accents to tack on to get different effects you can type (DIR/?). These are the basic navigational commands of CMD. Here is a list of oters.


HELP -shows basic commands


XCOPY -coppies file


CD -Change Directory


DIR -Show files and folders in Dir


START (program) -starts a program within the current directory


DEL -removes file or folder


RMDIR -removes file


CDDIR -creates older


Commands can then be put in Notepad (in the same folder as CMD) and saved as a blank.bat file to make it excicute the command."

1 comentário:

Francisco Costa disse...

Merda! o que é esta merda! O gajo que escreveu isso devia ser cá um asno!